Request for Appointment
This letter is used by the salesperson to set up appointments and to announce his schedule. Include an added service or an “extra effort” to encourage the recipient to see you later. It is an introductory letter and should be followed up with another letter or phone call.
7805 N 35th Ave - Phoenix, AZ 85051
February 9, 20XX
Carla Beckham, Manager
Golden air Fresheners
2903 West St.
Lincoln, NE 68506
Dear Ms. Montgomery:
I will be in Lincoln on February 15 and would like to meet with
you at your office to discuss air fresheners supplies you may need in the
second half of the year.
I have enclosed our latest catalogue. Please note the items in
green highlight. They are special values or new products that Golden Air
Fresheners will want to take advantage of now.
I will contact you later this week to schedule an appointment.
If you need to get in touch with me, call me at 800- 666- 9837. I
look forward to talking with you. Thank you for your
continued business.
Sincerely yours,
Kevin Federline
Sales Representative
P.S. See page 78 of our catalogue for a great value on our
most-ordered product choice!
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