Problems With a Client

(in an office)

Ms Watson: Thank you for coming to the meeting today, Mr. Holmes.
Mr. Holmes: My pleasure, Ms Watson. Now, what problems are we having around here?
Ms Watson: Well, unfortunately, we're having a number of problems with our clients in Denmark.
Mr. Holmes: Denmark? They usually pay on time. I don't understand...
Ms Watson: Yes, you're right. They ARE excellent clients. Unfortunately, they aren't pleased with the merchandise we are sending them.
Mr. Holmes: How can that be? We always provide first class products. It's our top priority! 
Ms Watson: I know, however they aren't happy. They say they are meeting with a new manufacturer next week.
Mr. Holmes: Nonsense! We mustn't lose them! What are we doing to change things? 
Ms Watson: Well, that's the reason for our meeting today. I'd like to make a few suggestions.
Mr. Holmes: I'm listening...
Ms Watson: Why don't we change suppliers?
Mr. Holmes: Is that the problem?
Ms Watson: Let's take a look at some of the suppliers in the area. I'm sure we can find a better one.
Mr. Holmes: OK, what other suggestions have you got?
Ms Watson: Shall we invite them to meet with us?
Mr. Holmes: That's an excellent idea. It'll show them our concern.
Ms Watson: OK, I'll arrange a meeting. Thank you Mr. Holmes.
Mr. Holmes: No, thank you Ms Watson.

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